Getting excited for confernece!
Getting excited for conference! Who's excited for conference next week! I am counting the seconds now!!!!
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T13:08:41-07:00 July 4th, 2015|
Getting excited for conference! Who's excited for conference next week! I am counting the seconds now!!!!
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:31:58-07:00 July 4th, 2015|
Join my Flipboard magazine, Damsel, to collect and share stories together:
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:31:58-07:00 July 1st, 2015|
Girls On Guard coming to Las Vegas Girls On Guard coming to Las Vegas. Patti Stewart earned her
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:31:59-07:00 June 21st, 2015|
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:00-07:00 June 20th, 2015|
2015 Damsel in Defense Incentive trip Talk about an amazing time! Can't wait for Mexico! #damselindefense #wahm #damsel4life
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:01-07:00 June 6th, 2015|
from Instagram:
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:01-07:00 May 21st, 2015|
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:02-07:00 April 21st, 2015|
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:03-07:00 April 16th, 2015|
My Damsel in Defense Conference WHY Patti Stewart, Pearl Director with Damsel In Defense tells us why she
vegasdamsel 2019-10-18T12:32:03-07:00 March 21st, 2015|
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun