2015-16 recipient of the prestigious Girl Scout Friendship Award

All levels earn their “Awareness Patch.” Troops that take a refreshers class or a Level-2 class, earn the “Go Chihuahua Crazy!” the “Back-Off!” patch and the “B.O.B.” patch. Four patches can be earned.
Bring your troop to one of our clinics! ANY size troop welcomed.
**NEW patches” for troops who repeat the class

Bring PlayItSafe to Your Location
WE CAN TRAVEL TO YOUR TROOP’S LOCATION. The cost of the workshops are on a per-student basis based upon location, Las Vegas. The registration fee includes; an “Awareness” patch for each student and an informational supplement for the parents. A class size of 15-25 students is needed, we suggest combining troops, or inviting friends and siblings.
Please contact Defense in Heels for fees and available dates. For more information, please call Patti Stewart at (702) 808-5741 or Email: patti@defenseinheels.com

Physical and verbal assaults on children are more common than you think. The National Center for Juvenile Justice found that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys were sexually assaulted before the age of 18. A study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that 27.8% of students report being bullied during the school year. There were 424,066 entries into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center for missing or abducted children in 2018 alone. Our self defense class for Girl Scouts class is designed to teach self defense techniques in a fun, group atmosphere. By attending one of our self defense classes, your Girl Scout will earn the Awareness Patch, or she can also obtain the “Go Chihuahua Crazy!”™ Patch, the Back-Off patch, and the B.O.B. patch by taking a refresher or level-2 class. Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors classes cover topics that are geared towards a more mature audience. Our self defense class for Girl Scouts teaches:
Bully Prevention & How to Deal with Friendship Drama
- Verbal defense techniques
- What bullies look for in their victims
- Name calling, teasing, excluding and arguments
- How to cope with “friendship issues & drama”
- Projecting a confident attitude
- Dealing with aggressive bullies
- Better communication and increased self-esteem
- Increased respect for self and others
Stranger Awareness & Self Defense Strategies
- Physical self defense techniques
- Increased safety at school, home, and play
- How not to be targeted: Walking and talking with confidence
- Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate adult behavior
- How to recognize a stranger and when it is appropriate to respond to a stranger
- How to tell a trusted adult if something has occurred
- Getting lost, home safety, walking to and from home
- Appropriate touch and behavior with acquaintances