Aren’t they so pretty!!! #selfdefensebabe #stungun #pepperspray

January 4th, 2017|

from Instagram: Stay Safe & Stylish: The Must-Have Damsel in Defense Products for Everyday Protection In today’s world, personal

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When your job has you surrounded by beautiful car’s all night #bestjobever #shelbyscominghomewithme #damsel

September 15th, 2016|

from Instagram:

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Happy Birthday Damsel!!! #bestjobever #damsel4life #bossbabe

September 13th, 2016|

from Instagram:

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Conference 2016 Recap Video

August 1st, 2016|

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Ladies Night this Friday if you can make it! :)

July 25th, 2016|

from Patti Stewart Independent Damsel Pro #49 Las Vegas Nevada via IFTTT

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Love this #thoughtoftheday – The next time you attend a charity auction or vendor event, look closer at the Work-At-Home-Mom’s standing behind the vendor tables and auction baskets. In addition to donating time, money and products for school and charity fundraisers, direct sellers are making an impact in ways you probably never imagined. Mompreneurs lift up your local economy by creating jobs that pay for dance classes, sport activities, home improvements, household expenses and more. And that’s just the beginning. For many Moms, starting a direct sales business goes way beyond financial gain, creating a ripple effect in your community that empowers women to become more confident and give back.

May 9th, 2016|

from Patti Stewart Independent Damsel Pro #49 Las Vegas Nevada via IFTTT

Comments Off on Love this #thoughtoftheday – The next time you attend a charity auction or vendor event, look closer at the Work-At-Home-Mom’s standing behind the vendor tables and auction baskets. In addition to donating time, money and products for school and charity fundraisers, direct sellers are making an impact in ways you probably never imagined. Mompreneurs lift up your local economy by creating jobs that pay for dance classes, sport activities, home improvements, household expenses and more. And that’s just the beginning. For many Moms, starting a direct sales business goes way beyond financial gain, creating a ripple effect in your community that empowers women to become more confident and give back.

Hi friends! I am looking to grow my business out of state not just for $$. I really do believe everyone needs some personal protection. I would love to talk to you about our products or if you know of someone who might be looking for some part time income I would love a refferal. I truly do believe we need to get our loved ones safer and I would love to send you a catalog. Reffer a friend who joins my business and I will send you a gift.

April 27th, 2016|

from Patti Stewart Independent Damsel Pro #49 Las Vegas Nevada via IFTTT

Comments Off on Hi friends! I am looking to grow my business out of state not just for $$. I really do believe everyone needs some personal protection. I would love to talk to you about our products or if you know of someone who might be looking for some part time income I would love a refferal. I truly do believe we need to get our loved ones safer and I would love to send you a catalog. Reffer a friend who joins my business and I will send you a gift.

Join Damsel & get a FREE Concealed Kari Purse!

April 21st, 2016|

Thinking of starting your own business or looking for a tax write off? Join Damsel and help keep women safe and sassy

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I found an awesome new studio to host Self-Defense classes. Are weekends or weekdays better for you Vegas gals?

March 30th, 2016|

from Patti Stewart Independent Damsel Pro #49 Las Vegas Nevada via IFTTT

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My Damsel in Defense Conference WHY

April 16th, 2015|

My Damsel in Defense Conference WHY Patti Stewart, Pearl Director with Damsel In Defense tells us why she

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