Our Blog
Car Show
Today I was lucky enough to be at Rick's Restorations for two different reasons. I had a booth for Damsel there, and I was able to be there in the Mrs. Nevada USC capacity. Here
New Damsel catalogs just got here!!!
New Damsel catalogs just got here!!! Who wants one?
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49gd
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49gdm
January Team Amazing-ness!!!
Take a look at the National Damsel Docket that Damsel in Defense puts out. We have so many amazing women on our team that made the docket! We also took 7th in the Nation for
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49g8
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49g8v
I have two dates left for parties in Jan
I have two dates left for parties in January. Get your double half price items!!! PM me to get your party started!