Our Blog
1st Ever Damsel Drop-in!
Team Amperage Angels had the AMAZING opportunity to host the 1st ever Damsel Strop-on in Las Vegas! We set the bat for all the others as well!!! Over 50 people in attendance, we actually lost
New Products!
Did you see the Sneak Peak of the new products the other day? Here is the sneak peak again! Can't wait to do my first party with all the new stuff!!! www.VegasDamsel.com
February Special
Check out this great special for February! www.VegasDamsel.com
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49gf
Motivational Monday! http://ow.ly/i/49gfM
Self-Defense Classes
Ever wanted to know how to use that Stun gun effectively? How about that pepper spray? Let alone that Kubaton! So much to learn and so many different techniques what is the best thing
Damsel in Defense currently has a special going on! Buy One Get One Free!!! Add them to your order now 🙂 www.VegasDamsel.com