Our Blog
Las Vegas Woman Magazine Spring issue launch
Horrible pics of me, but I had a great time! Next time you should come out with us!!! 😉
National Shine a light on Slavery day
I wore my X, did you?
Mrs. Nevada America
Tonight I had the honor of being invited to the Mrs. Nevada America pageant. It is an amazing pageant system and I'm excited to see my amazing pageant sister on stage! (It's amazing how in
I’m in the Newspaper!!!
OMG!! I made the newspaper. Tina and I had such a great time at the Go Red For Women - Las Vegas American Heart | Stroke Association on February 7, 2014.
FREE Self-Defense Training Course with the Kubaton
Kubaton, "Sock it to me", what did I buy? I have this great keychain but what do I do with it now? Patti will be teaching a 1 hour self-defense course on how to use
Amperage Angels Amazing-ness
How many Amperage Angels team members do you see? 🙂