Our Blog
May Special
Keep mom protected with Damsel in Defense Tiny Takedown and Pepper Spray!
Tax Day!
Take back your taxes and start your own business today! Not only will you be connected with amazing women, amazing training, amazing products and me 😉 You also get a tax break!
April Newsletter
Happy Spring Can you believe it is Spring (well for Vegas, almost summer!). I am sooooooo glad to have the warmth back. Now that it is warmer we will have lots more fun
Join us at the 2014 Damsel in Defense conference!
http://youtu.be/8i3sREVCP4w Last years conference was amazing!!! Make sure you are there this year!
Want to see how a Stun Gun works?
Check out this video from Conference last year. This guy is a corrections officer that frequently gets stunned for work. YES, they work 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThSG4IiaRuw&feature=youtu.be
April Special!
Have you been thinking about joining Damsel but the $179 is just a little to high for your budget? We hear you!!! Because April is Sexual Assault Awareness month Damsel now has a $99 starter