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Girls On Guard coming to Las Vegas
Girls On Guard coming to Las Vegas Girls On Guard coming to Las Vegas. Patti Stewart earned her certification in June 2015 and can't wait to hold various classes in Las Vegas. For
Setting up Digital Damsel
Are you still thinking about signing up for Digital Damsel? Here is a sneak peak of how easy setup is. Did you already get Digital Damsel? Congratulations! Your online safety is very important too. Set-up is
Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As Long as you can. Life's not meant to be lived in one place!
Girls on Guard
Your looking at the newest Defend University Girls on Guard, Guarding our Girls, and Defense against Weapons instructor! Can't wait to bring the program to#vegas! #selfdefense #vegasdamsel — with Steve Kardian.
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun
Monthly Reminder to charge your Stun Gun www.VegasDamsel.com
2015 Damsel in Defense Incentive trip
2015 Damsel in Defense Incentive trip Talk about an amazing time! Can't wait for Mexico! #damselindefense #wahm #damsel4life #vegas #amperageangels #redrock