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Ladies Night this Friday if you can make it! 🙂 http://ift.tt/2abwH7v
from Patti Stewart Independent Damsel Pro #49 Las Vegas Nevada http://ift.tt/1So0ZlB via IFTTT
Just hanging out with @hvalley 😉 #becauseofdamsel #lovetheseguys #concerttime
from Instagram: http://ift.tt/29vS8ED
Well being the Little Mermaid and Belle are off the table, but I think being a successful business woman and marking one of the 3 off the list is awesome! #becauseofdamsel #queenofmyowncastle #Ineedanotherprincessdress
Well being the Little Mermaid and Belle are off the table, but I think being a successful business woman and marking one of the 3 off the list is awesome! #becauseofdamsel #queenofmyowncastle #Ineedanotherprincessdress from Instagram:
Lol couldn’t resist #monday #letsdothis #sorrybeiberfans
from Instagram: http://ift.tt/28XM83T
I think Kari and I belong on the beach. The colors are just perfect! 😉 #damsel #concealpurse
from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1Y9QKrm
Isn’t it crazy how things change?! I love how I’m being punished for someone else’s mistakes. Like I’m a kid again. But it’s okay, I’ll be the one to rise above, I’m the one who is always there for you, always have and always will be. #lifeiscrazy #riseabove #watchmegrow
from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1XFc2yF