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Just a girl and her stun gun
Just a girl and her #stungun getting ready for her brother's 21st #bday #whiskeytime#vegasdamsel#damselindefense#stungungirl #stunguns #selfdefense#defense #gun #weapons #damsel #vegas#lasvegas #girlsnightout #gungirl#defensebabe #babe #makeup #lashes#whiskey #whiskeyme #birthday#birthdaygirl #birthdayboy #21st#drinktime
Damsel in Defense Gotcha Stun Gun
Damsel in Defense Gotcha Stun Gun Gotcha Stun Gun - Black Disguised as a camera, this stun gun features all the personal protection bells and whistles you want and need. Features: •
How to use a Damsel in Defense stun gun
How to use a Damsel in Defense stun gun How to use a Damsel in Defense stun gun with tips, tricks and great info. Buy yours at www.VegasDamsel.com Make sure you
Look at the light LOL
Look at the light..... I'm going to miss you Christy Lee Deancausse #martigras next year for sure!!#whiskeygirl #girlsnight
Mermaid Day at work 😉
You know me. Just hanging out with a Mermaid at work 😉 #MermaidCaysea #bestjobever#damsel4life #vegasdamsel#vegas #lasvegas#whiskeygirl #whiskey #mermaid #disney#stungun #gun #damsel #pepperspray#damselindefense #becauseofdamsel#mygirl #love
That white fluffy stuff on the ground is cold!!!! #notasnowbunny #hatethecold
from Instagram: http://ift.tt/2is1ipI