When it comes to staying safe, being prepared and knowing the right tips can make all the difference. Here are some guidelines from the Texas Department of Safety and the Houston Police Department to help you stay safe and street-smart.
Non-lethal weapons for self-defense
If you are 18 or older, Texas law allows you to carry certain non-lethal weapons for personal protection:
- Club: While carrying a club is generally prohibited in many places, there are exceptions for certain locations like racetracks and airports. There is no specific certification required for carrying clubs.
- Pepper spray: Small, commercially sold chemical dispensers for personal protection are allowed. Larger chemical dispensing devices are restricted unless you are a trained security officer.
- Tasers: Carrying a taser or similar weapon is not expressly prohibited under Texas law, and no specific certification is required.
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Safety tips from the Houston Police Department
- Stay alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that make you vulnerable to crime, such as dark parking lots and alleys.
- Avoid distractions: Don’t use your phone or wear headphones in situations where you need to stay alert.
- Walk with confidence: Walk with a purpose and make eye contact with people, but avoid engaging in conversations with strangers.
- Travel in groups: Walking with family or friends decreases your chances of becoming a victim.
- Stay in well-lit areas: Avoid shortcuts through deserted or poorly lit areas.
- Display caution: Avoid flashing large amounts of cash or wearing expensive jewelry.
- Trust your instincts: If a person or place makes you uneasy, leave immediately.
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Driving safety tips
- Lock your doors: Always lock your car doors as soon as you enter your vehicle.
- Avoid road rage: Don’t engage with aggressive drivers and avoid eye contact. If someone is tailgating you, let them pass.
- Handle car problems safely: If your car breaks down, signal for help with a white cloth and stay inside with the doors locked until help arrives. Don’t accept rides from strangers.
- Avoid being followed: If you think someone is following you, drive to the nearest police station or well-lit, populated area.
Walking safely
- Walk with others: It’s safer to walk with at least one other person.
- Be alert: Keep your head up and scan your surroundings frequently.
- Use taxis at night: Consider taking a taxi or similar services for short trips at night.
- Avoid suspicious areas: Don’t take shortcuts through unlit or sparsely traveled areas.
Parking lot safety
- Arrive early: Avoid staying out after dark if possible.
- Park smart: Choose well-lit, high-visibility parking spots and avoid parking next to vehicles with dark-tinted windows.
- Stay vigilant: Be cautious of people handing out flyers or asking questions. Have your keys ready before reaching your car, and check your surroundings.
- Check your car: Look into the backseat and floorboards before entering your vehicle.
- Don’t sit in your car: Avoid sitting in a parked vehicle, and if a stranger approaches, sound your horn continuously.
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