Char-Koosta News

ARLEE — Eleven-year Jiu Jitsu instructor Justin Dumontier hosted a series of 10 basic self defense classes. He said the hour-long sessions covered a sequence of reaction and break defense moves. “Don’t get too carried away, just stick to basic self-defense moves,” he said. “Stand with a wider stance it gives you more balance and when you charge an attacker go low to break their balance.”

Dumontier said the class is inspired by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which is a martial art known for its ability to equip smaller opponents to overcome larger opponents. “Self-defense is something that everyone needs to know and Jiu Jitsu can be practiced by all ages. Everyone at every age should learn to defend themselves,” he said.

Patty Stevens was the sole student during a session hosted at the Arlee Community Center. She said she attended the course more than once. “I learned that I am capable of defending myself at 60 years of age,” she said. “I learned that you have to get out of your comfort zone to defend yourself. I do think this course needs to be longer than one hour because this is something you have to practice.”

The self-defense classes were sponsored in part by Tribal Health’s Guided Care program, which is focused on providing community based services including: social and medical advocacy, nutritional support, and facilitating access to internal and external health related resources.
