Importance of learning self-defense, according to East Texas experts

Crime rates spike between May and August, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. East Texas experts give a few tips on how to stay safe.

LONGVIEW, Texas — Crime rates spike between May and August, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. With so many people out and about during these warm summer days, it could increase the chances to fall victim to a violent crime.

“Probably some of it is because we as women, we like to get out in the summer, you know, we’re jogging on the trails, our kids are out,” Longview PD Officer Kristie Brian said. “So we’re taking them to the parks doing more things out in the public that, unfortunately, put us at risk sometimes.”

Many law enforcement agencies recommend people to take self-defense classes that teach survival tactics needed in case of an attacked.

“Anything that you can do that will help you to prepare not to be a victim and you know, if it’s self-defense, that’s great,” Officer Brian said

Alex Azar is the owner of Longview Martial Arts Academy and has been teaching self-defense for decades. He expresses the importance of being aware of your surroundings.

“If I see something that sticks out, that doesn’t look right, maybe it’s not right, maybe I need to go somewhere else,” Azar said. “I pay attention. When I go into restaurants, I look around and watch the crowd.  If I go into parking lots, if I’m going to get gas.”

One thing all experts agree on is to avoid wearing headphones while jogging.

“You’d be surprised how many people I see in the park either they’re walking with their head and their phone or they have the earphones on and I’m running up right behind them they had no idea,” Azar said.

Another tip is to always keep a pen or a key chain on you. If you are ever attacked, it can quickly be used as a weapon against your attacker.

“So you may have a small female against a 260-270 pound guy and you’ll say, well wait, there’s no way she can take him,” Azar said. “But put a pin in her hand, a little weapon or something and it would help neutralize some of that so she can get away.”

He also suggestions to park in well-lit areas. When leaving a store at night, ask a manager to walk with you to your car. Also, try to limit going out at night alone.


June 20th, 2019|Comments Off on Importance of learning self-defense, according to East Texas experts