I absolutely love this. Part of the reason I love working with kids is because I want them to have a higher self-worth and to prevent bullying.


Read the article and watch the video below :).


Speech to Text for Make a Difference: Teaching Self Defense

Below is the closed-captioning text associated with this video. Since this uses automated speech to text spelling and grammar may not be accurate.

studies studies suggest bullying may be the leading cause of low self-esteem in children. but there’s a man in brazil, indiana volunteering his time to help build that confidence back up. that’s why he’s this month’s make a difference award winner. [take pkg name: make a difference october pkg outcue: bite…”thank you so much!” duration:2:28] < jason frazier is teaching these kids some pretty unusual moves. pass the guard double ankle sweep airplane base . jiu-jitsu terms from the gracie garage bullyproof curriculum. martial arts focusing on non-violent self-defense techniques. i’m learning how to defend myself from bullies. 10 year old liam pair has been taking jason’s classes twice a week since they began in march. building strength…physically and mentally. …when i first started this, i was really shy around people so then eventually since i got used to this i built up more confidence. …jason’s been so generous to do this and take his time and his money and it takes time away from his family to help our’s… jason is a sheriff’s deputy with the clay county sheriff’s office. his original plan was to only teach jiu-jitsu to fellow police officers and military members. but his passion for the sport quickly spread to his two daughters. and before he knew it..he opened gracie garage brazil in his own backyard. …started off with 250 feet of mats and after the very first week i had to go buy more mats. now there’s a waiting list to get into his classes. a valuable life lesson for boys “and” girls. …i like that it teaches you to defend yourself in case anyone ever tries to attack you..so you know how to defend yourself.. …the whole bully curriculum is based on being confident, self-aware and being empowered to be able to take care of yourself so you hold your head up high. jason frazier is no stranger to helping the clay county community. his day job requires it. but what he didn’t realize is the impact he’s having at night. helping a group of children face the world….a little bit stronger. …to have these kids come up and give me a hug at the end of class and say they love class and they love being here with it that’s enough for me. but this award just takes it to the next level. it’s amazing so thank you so much!> if you’d like to nominate someone for a make a difference award.. go to the community section of our