Great article! You guys know I live and swear by my Kubaton!

Damsel in Defense Sock It To Me Kubaton Striking Tool

Martial arts and self-defense instructor Chris Fortney thinks solo runners are particularly vulnerable.


He said runners often look straight ahead, then go into “the zone” where they’re only conscious of their running, and sometimes wear ear-buds, which further shield them from what’s going on around them.

“The first thing I teach is self-confidence and awareness,” said Fortney.

Fortney demonstrated several basic maneuvers to free yourself from someone’s hold on your arm, or a bear hug from behind.

Pulling your arm away using your other arm, a vicious foot stomp, and a “hammer fist” backward blow all serve to hurt or throw an attacker off guard long enough to run away.

He is also a proponent of simple weapons, such as the kubaton, which is a four inch long metal device shaped like a pointed magic marker.

“You can hold it in your hand – it makes striking more effective, but pepper spray, mace, are all great weapons, even tasers,” said Fortney.

Another device marketed online for runners is “The Claw” sold by

Its makers say it can easily be held in the palm, and when squeezed, produces curved claws that can scratch an attacker.

The scooped claws can also potentially grab DNA, which could be used for identification purposes, according to the website.

Fortney also suggests running with a buddy, or even having someone ride alongside on a bike, or in a car.

He teaches self-defense classes at Martial Arts of Palm Beaches in North Palm Beach to people of all ages, and while it is simple to learn, he said many students come back for refresher courses just so they remember what to do in case of an emergency.

