Okay, Okay, I know you have been thinking about buying a Stun Gun but are not sure just just yet. So read on and let me know if you have any more questions 🙂


First you should first make sure that you know the local law in your area regarding stun guns.  Some cities and states are passing a law that prohibits stun guns. (Mostly for you East Coasters).



Knowing what to look for in a stun gun will help you make your decision as well.  You want one that is very effective but that will not cause a fatal reaction. Like our disable pin (it makes it so if the bad guy takes the stun gun away he can’t use it against you). 🙂


Volts in the stun gun are important too.  Most of the time you want to get a stun gun with a minimum of 180,000 volts.  You may want to get more if you want to be sure that your attacker will go down with the first jolt. (Good thing our stun guns are 6 Million to 7. Million volts!)


The way that the stun gun works is going to depend on what the attacker is wearing, if they are on any drugs or alcohol or if they are having psychotic problems.


We have a many models of stun guns to choose from.  Some are priced from as low as $50 and they can go up to $80 depending on which model you like best. Check them out here www.mydamselpro.net/vegasdamsel


Stun guns are not heavy and will usually weight around a few ounces to one pound.  They have a built in battery that you need to charge once a month.  Some stun guns resemble a cell phone or flashlight for added protection.