Realtors add self-defense to list of job training



As a Realtor, Sheila Tidwell attends continuing education classes on regulations, the nuances of closing a deal and other skills a real estate agent needs. She recently added another item to that list — hand-to-hand combat.

“It was the first time we actually took it to combat, hand-to-hand,” Tidwell said of a recent self-defense training session led by a member of the Lebanon Police Department.

Realtor Self Defense Las Vegas


As a Realtor, Sheila Tidwell attends continuing education classes on regulations, the nuances of closing a deal and other skills a real estate agent needs. She recently added another item to that list — hand-to-hand combat.

“It was the first time we actually took it to combat, hand-to-hand,” Tidwell said of a recent self-defense training session led by a member of the Lebanon Police Department.



“They were really going at it. There were a couple of people sore the next day,” said Tidwell.

Lebanon police officer Matt Dedman has taught self-defense classes for the past five years. Employees of businesses including Cracker Barrel and Chick-fil-A have attended the free sessions. Other classes cover how to deal with an active threat at a place of business.

“I don’t want women to have a disadvantage (and think) you can’t protect yourself,” said Dedman, who teaches “simple strikes, improvised weapons like a book, a keyboard or a monitor. Just because you don’t have a pistol or a knife doesn’t mean you can’t protect yourself.”

Realtor Self Defense Las Vegas


The incident in Arkansas prompted Realtors in Middle Tennessee to consider their personal safety on the job. The Williamson County Association of Realtors and the Greater Nashville Association of Realtors have offered self-defense classes taught by military veterans and former law enforcement officers at Agape Tactical.

The Franklin-based company offers classes to the public including church security planning, firearms training, how to survive an active shooter situation and Warrior Woman classes.

Benchmark Realtor Michelle Moore recalled receiving “creepy” telephone calls.

“It’s really scary. The guy called me to go see a listing. It didn’t seem right,” said Moore, who did not agree to make an appointment.

A woman might be targeted by a predator, but Realtors can also be victimized by someone who thinks they have a lot of money.

“They see on your website that you are a million-dollar producer and think you have a million dollars,” said Moore. A Realtor who earned a 3 percent commission on $1 million in sales would have $30,000.

“You have to be accessible, but these crazy things happen. It’s a dangerous situation,” she said.


Dedman offers advice on how to avoid finding yourself in physical danger, such as driving by a home before a showing to look for anything suspicious.

“Be prepared, know your surroundings. Keep your head out of your phone,” he said.

If that fails, he wants women to be prepared with “hands-on” training.

The training gave the Exit Realty agents a feeling of confidence, said Williams.

“We all left there feeling empowered,” she said.

Exit Realty is moving to new offices that include a workout room where its agents can continue to practice self-defense, said Tidwell.

During the class, Dedman taught them how to “jab with our elbow, our foot and scream as loud as you can. He taught us some really great moves,” said Tidwell.

“I hope nobody ever has to use it,” she said.

Realtor Self Defense Las Vegas


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