If you’re like most defensive minded folks these days your safety and that of your family is taken seriously. Perhaps you have taken appropriate steps to always carry concealed. Perhaps you ensure that other EDC items like a flashlight, extra magazine, a blade, and medical gear are with you to the extent possible. Maybe you’ve stepped your range time and related training. You’ve put back extra, food, water, and other necessities, and you have varying modes of transportation and routes to take if need be.

Throughout history those who realize that the police and military cannot be everywhere at once have left us with some thoughts to inspire us when it comes to our own securityand self-reliance. Many who have lived through confrontation and chaos have become philosophical in their later years, leaving us with words of wisdom to live by. Consider the following quotes and learn from those who wrote them.

Jeff Cooper, founder of Gunsite Training Academy in Arizona, has left us with many thoughts regarding defensive living. He also authored or co-authored many books; one of the best known is Art of the Rifle. Although Mr. Cooper is no longer living, his quotes on defensive mindset will be long remembered. One of my favorites is–

“Man fights with his mind; the weapons are incidental.”

In other words think and be smart in your day-to-day defensive living and mindset. Mental determination and tenacity can go a long way in


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