I get questions all the time about why we have pink stun guns but not black ones. Which we do :).

With Damsel we are focusing on products for women. We understand that it is not comfortable for a woman to walk into a “cop shop” and find pepper spray. I tell people all the time about how I will go into certain “cop shops” here in Vegas and am treated like a nothing. (Little do they know my law enforcement knowledge or how much myself and the hubby would spend in there if they were to treat me just like the guy that walked in).

Parties are more comfortable for women to see, feel and test our products. We don’t want our gals to walk out of a party and feel like they wasted an hour of their life. We want our gals to feel like they can take on the world when they leave the party. Watching the woman’s eye go from timid to empowered by the end of the party is why I love my job so much!

Don’t worry guys, we didn’t forget about you! We know the women in your lives love to buy you things so we also have all of our products in male friendly colors as well ;). Check out the image below.

products for him

If you have any questions at all dopn’t hesitate to contact me at amytime!
