I know you love seeing all the new items that Damsel in Releasing! They have definitely been on top of the game when it comes to finding the latest and greatest in self-defense items. Here is a little more about the new items 🙂

Digital Damsel – My favorite by far. Not only do you get identity theft protection, you get computer support just like geek squad, social media monitoring and Internet Safety and alerts. Here is a link to the AWESOME flyer with more info. If you are interested let me know and we can grab a coffee and chat more :). CLICK HERE for more info.
 digital damsel

Hot Lil Hands – more colors! Now we have Pink & Blue to go along with the Purple. Here is a link my YouTube video about it 🙂 

hot lil hand 2015

Wristle – New and improved, and now with 4 different colors and 3 different sizes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07PWvKevP1g
writstle 2015

Breakaway – New and improved. THey are a little bit smaller and available in pink and black now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8oLD7uN-Ls

breakaway 2015

Holla His – Just like the Holla at me but new and improved. See the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2vP5Ugbdfg 

holla his 2015

Get a Grip now in Blue! See the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKlqKRUAcOA

get a grip 2015

Love them right!?!?!! They are awesome. Can’t wait to zap them myself 😉

To see more check out www.VegasDamsel.com