Damsel in Defense Hope Pouch O Pepper with Patti Stewart
Our exclusive Damsel keychain pouches secure your pepper spray from inquisitive little ones while still keeping it an accessible accessory for you.
18% OC (oleoresin capsicum)
2 million SHU (scoville heat units) S
hoots up to 16 feet
.5 ounce (3-4 second continuous stream)
Quick-release/one-hand operation
Locking, glow-in-the-dark actuator
Instant effect
UV (ultraviolet) identifying dye
Non-toxic and non-flammable
Laboratory tested
Faux leather case
Keychain adaptable
1.4 ounces in weight (combined)
4.5 x 2 inches in size
Lifetime warranty with proof of purchase
Causes no permanent injury
Even works on those under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Safety feature prevents accidental discharge
Clasp for child safety
NOTE: Pepper Spray is restricted in the following areas:HI, IL, MA, MI, NJ, WI and DC and cannot be shipped to any location nationwide via air delivery services (Overnight, 2 Day, etc.)