Sage Summit Review


The best business conference you will ever go to. Not only will you get to learn more in depth the awesome programs that Sage has to offer, but there are business classes from everything to how to set up a business Twitter account to branding your business.

The first day was for Brand Partners (companies that work exclusively with Sage). They had a conference with the heads of the company. From an outsider looking it, it was amazing. Just look at the screen they had!

#sagesummit screen

That’s only half the screen!

As a Mompreneur I was scouting this event out like no other to see if it is something that would benefit mom’s like me who have a direct sales business. Most businesses market to mom’s because they think we are an easy sale (they don’t really know us 😉 ). This conference was a hit. They really do know all business models and worked towards it.

The second day is when the magic started. The Showroom floor was AMAZING! Sage really knows how to run a layout. Not to mention all the freebies ;). Visiting all the booths was education and fun. These companies put people out there that were fun to harass, I mean talk to, along with tons of learning opportunities.

Sage Summit DJ

Who else has a DJ on the showroom floor?


Booth’s that were fun to visit!


Dancing Robots!

I haven’t even mentioned the keynote speakers yet! The key note addresses alone had me sold. From all the CEO’s in the company to Magic Johnson you can’t go wrong. Just a few people we heard from include – Pimm Fox (Bloomberg), Biz Stone (Co-Founder of Twitter), Magic Johnson (If I really have to introduce him you are too young to read this article!), Jessica Alba (Actress & Co-Founder of Honest Products), and J. Carey Smith (Big Ass Fans), Rich Karlgaard (Forbes), John Sheldon (MasterCard), Robert Gibbs(Former White House Press Secretary for President Obama), Karl Rove (Former White House Press Secretary for President Bush), Jennifer Fleiss (Co-founder Dress the Runway), Ben Kaufman (Quirky), and Eric Ryan (Method Products). Um, can you say AMAZING!!!! My favorite was Robert Gibbs and Karl Rove. They were hilarious! (I literally asked for a copy of the footage so I could watch it on a bad day!)

Patti Stewart with Bruce Croxon

Patti Stewart with Bruce Croxon (Major investor, also featured on Dragon’s Den).

Karl Rove  Robert Gibbs Patti Stewart

Meeting Karl Rove & Robert Gibbs

Eric Ryan, Ben Kaufman, Jennifer Fleiss  Patti Stewart

Eric Ryan, Ben Kaufman, Jennifer Fleiss & Patti Stewart

Magic Johnson Amanda Blain Patti Stewart

Amanda Blain and I getting our selfies on with Magic Johnson in the background 😉

J. Carey Smith, Jessica Alba, Patti Stewart, Magic Johnson

J. Carey Smith, Jessica Alba, Patti Stewart, Magic Johnson

Biz Stone & Patti Stewart

Biz Stone & Patti Stewart

#sagesummit social media team! @vegasdamsel @amadablain @trustednerd

#SageSummit social influencer team! @vegasdamsel @amadablain @trustednerd

Let me tell you about the break off sessions. They were amazing. Want to learn about branding, marketing, training, HR…. it’s all there! There were so many classes to choose from I literally had to ennie meenie miny moe the top 10 in each section. I untimely stuck with the Branding classes which were amazing.

Sage really knows how to treat their customers and potential customers. Not only was this business conference affordable, they feed you breakfast AND lunch AND had coffee and tea all day! There was even a Neon Tree’s concert at the finally of the event. Who else has a business conference where they bring in a VERY well known band just for the conference attendee’s?

For me Sage Summit is a no brainier. Regardless of what kind of business you are in Sage has a solution for you.

Make sure you register for  next year’s conference! I will be there for sure!