Happy Spring

Can you believe it is Spring (well for Vegas, almost summer!). I am sooooooo glad to have the warmth back. Now that it is warmer we will have lots more fun stuff going on. There are tons of events and free classes. Make sure you stay connected to get all the freebies and amazing connections!

Thanks for being a part of the amazing-ness of Damsel 🙂



Best PROmotion of the year! If you have thinking about joining Damsel now is the time!!! Not only will you get this amazing special, Our team has two additional training’s to get you rockin and rollin!

*click on the picture for more info*


What do you do if the bad guy grabs your hair? How about if he gets you on the ground?

Come learn all the cool moves that will keep you safe and secure!

*click on the picture for more info*


Come on out to the Ladies Happy Hour! We will have wine, food and shopping! What more could you ask for? Bring a friend!! There will also be prizes!!!

*click on the picture for more info*
